Digitization of the Education System

How to design lessons with digital media for best possible learning outcomes.

Digitization of the education system is part of our research agenda. The work of our institute addresses and answers questions about the use of digital tools in science, mathematics and computer science education in a way that fosters learning. This includes the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in teaching and learning processes. The IPN has established junior research groups, projects and has filled additional positions to expand our activities in this field systematically.

This site informs about research results and activities of the IPN around the research field "Digitization of the Education System".

Announcements around the topic

Have you heard of our German podcast "The Dialogue?" Current topic: AI and the future of teaching and learning

Episode 3: Using AI to Improve Feedback in the Classroom

Are there situations that feedback systems can better handle than teachers? In episode 3, Hendrick Haverkamp, teacher at the Evangelisch Stiftisches Gymnasium in Gütersloh, Dr. Thorben Jansen, researcher at the IPN, and Prof. Dr. Detmar Meurers, computer linguist at the University of Tübingen address this and other questions on the topic of improving feedback in schools using AI.