Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt)

Joint teaching-learning laboratory of the IPN and Kiel University

The Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) is the joint teaching-learning laboratory of the IPN and Kiel University. With its free extracurricular activities, it promotes young people's interest in science in general and more specifically in STEM subjects. The Kiel Science Outreach Lab is also dedicated to promoting excellence, teacher training and continued education as well conveying scientific content to society.

Topics from the STEM subjects and the humanities

Visitors can explore scientific issues from the marine and nanosciences in the various themed laboratories. They also learn more about the social aspects of energy and gain access to current topics from human medical and biological research as well as food technology and archaeology. Visitors discover robotics or learn why soil is more than just dirt. The humanities workshops offer courses in the fields of language, culture, art and theology as well as historical and political topics.

The Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) programs are for:

  • entire school classes
  • school students
  • student teachers
  • teachers

The Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt also coordinates:

  • various projects and
  • Citizen Science activities
Schülerinnen und Schüler mikroskopieren in der Kieler Forschungswerkstatt
Lehrkräfte bei einer meereswissenschaftlichen Fortbildung der Kieler Forschungswerkstatt
Schüler stehen auf einer Wiese und beobachten Insekten bei einer Sommerschule der Kieler Forschungswerkstatt

Borrowing materials

The Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) provides various materials to loan free of charge for use in schools or in the field. Besides numerous marine science themed boxes such as plankton, benthos, plastics or marine mammals, there are also expedition boxes on the topics of soil, water and insects as well as experiment boxes covering current research issues in food technology. School classes can also create great animated films using the kunst:werk stop-motion boxes.

Public events

The Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) is also involved in major events such as the Kieler Woche, the KielRegion Science Day or the Kiel Digital Week with hands-on activities for young and old. Everyone is welcome to test the offers and talk to the staff.

Research projects and publications

How can science be communicated to different target groups in the best possible manner? This question is being addressed by scientists at the Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) in various projects and qualification papers. They are investigating, for example, the effectiveness of school-based preparation and follow-up of school laboratory visits, the interaction of different scientific working methods such as experiment and simulation or the effects that participation in citizen science projects has on children and young people..

An overview of the scientific activities of the Kiel Science Outreach Lab (Kieler Forschungswerkstatt) can be found at: