Open Science & Good Research Practice

Research standards and transparency of research

Self-imposed Standards of Good Research Practice apply for all research at the IPN based on DFG’s Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice as well as recommendations from the Leibniz Association. These include rules for quality control, authorship in publications, procedures in case of research misconduct as well as guidance on data protection and research data management.

Open Science stands for an opening of the scientific process towards more collaboration and transparency between universities and the public. This requires a common understanding of research and education which focuses specifically on openness, collaboration and further development of knowledge. Hereby, scientific innovation is sped up, and research results become more visible. Researchers are supported in their research and publication processes; the benefits of research are maximized.

As a member of the Leibniz Association, the IPN is committed to Open Science. Because of its mission to relay research results to society, the IPN is especially interested in communicating the contents and results of its research to broad sections of society in a very accessible fashion.