Symposium: School Education in the Digital Age

Designing cross-phase teacher training for teaching and learning in a digital culture

Digitization is increasingly changing teaching and learning in schools and universities. What competencies do prospective teachers need for teaching and learning in a digital culture? What demands does this place on the various phases of teacher education? And what might cross-phase approaches look like?

These issues were the focus of a symposium organized in a collaboration between the IPN and the Institute for Quality Development at Schools in Schleswig-Holstein (IQSH) as part of the state program Zukunft Schule im digitalen Zeitalter (Future School in the Digital Age) on March 2, 2023 in Kiel. Some 70 representatives of the disciplines and subject teaching methods of the participating universities met in small groups with the subject team leaders of the state institutes responsible for the pre-service training and exchanged ideas both within and across disciplines. "I am thrilled how many colleagues accepted our invitation and how intense the discussions were. The ideas and also the already existing concepts offer wonderful starting points that we can further pursue with the Educational Engineers working at the universities in the state program and the IQSH and the Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Vocational Education" said Prof. Dr. Ilka Parchmann, Head of the Department of Chemistry Education at the IPN and spokesperson for the MINT subject cluster of Kiel University in the state program. "The event was a great kick-off that showed the level of interest in the topic as well as in closer collaborations between the first and second phases. We must now determine how we will continue, and this is exactly what the state program offers with its idea of subject clusters in which universities and state institutes work together," adds Dr. Maike Abshagen, head of department for education at IQSH and co-organizer of the symposium.

Funding for the state program Zukunft Schule im digitalen Zeitalter is provided by the state of Schleswig-Holstein. It is a cooperative project of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, the Institute for Quality Development at Schools Schleswig-Holstein (IQSH), the Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Vocational Education (SHIBB), the Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN), Kiel University (CAU), Flensburg European University (EUF), Lübeck University of Music (MHL), and Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts (MKH).