
Accessibility statement

The IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education is the host of this website. It is an important goal of ours to make this website freely accessible in accordance with the national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament/Council and the State Disability Equality Act of Schleswig-Holstein (LBGG) §12.

Compatibility status with respect to the regulations
This website is not yet fully compliant with the above LBGG as amended on November 18th , 2008.

Not accessible contents
Many parts of this website are not yet completely accessible. We are working on making these sections accessible as well.

Separate pages describing navigation and content in plain language and sign language are not yet available, as a relaunch of the site and migration of existing content must first be implemented.

The editorial team strives to formulate texts on the IPN internet pages in a comprehensible way. However, it is not always possible to avoid technical terms. These are directed at the central target groups of the website.

Creation of this accessibility statement
This statement was created on March 9th, 2021 and was last reviewed on April 15th, 2021.

Feedback and contact details
Do you have any questions, suggestions or ideas for improving the accessibility of our website?

Please send us an e-mail to: info@leibniz-ipn.de

By mail you can reach us at the following address:
IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
Public Relations
Olshausenstrasse 62
D-24098 Kiel

Enforcement procedure
The complaints office pursuant to Section 12 LBGG has been established at the Schleswig-Holstein State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities. You may contact this office should you not be satisfied with the answers you receive from the above-mentioned contact. It is our goal to find a solution concerning problems collectively with the help of the complaints office and out of court.

The complaint procedure is free of charge. You do not need legal counsel.

You can find all the information you need about the complaints procedure and how it works on the Complaints Office website.

You can also contact the complaints office at the following address:
Complaints Office under the Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities Act State Commissioner for People with Disabilities

Office address:
Karolinenweg 1
24105 Kiel

Postal address:
P.O. Box 7121
24171 Kiel

Phone: +49 431 988-1620
E-mail: lb@landtag.ltsh.de
Phone: +49 431 988-1620
E-mail: lb@landtag.ltsh.de