IPN Colloquium April 24th, 2023: Improving Educational Interventions with the Help of Machine Learning and Why we need a Human in the Loop?

The event is open to the public, it will be held in a hybrid format.

Time: 2:30 p.m.

Location: online via Zoom and in the lecture hall of the IPN, Olshausenstr. 62.

Those outside the IPN who are interested can obtain the dial-in data for the event on request from PD Dr. Sascha Bernholt: bernholt@leibniz-ipn.de

Abstract: Machine learning can be used to model human learning. This talk will focus on a project that examined a chemistry learning intervention that was found to be suboptimal for weaker students. The project employed machine learning to create a new version of the intervention that proved more effective than the original intervention for this group of students. Methods, results, and limitations of this project will be addressed, including the role of human instructors to make sense of the outcomes of the machine learning approach. The talk will conclude with an outlook to future studies that are needed to further investigate how machine and humans can work together to create more effective instruction.