Support Services

Welcome to the IPN's Support Services pages. Here you will find information regarding the IPN’s library, information technology and press and public relations.


The IPN’s specialized science library is a research-related information and service facility ensuring a demand-oriented supply of literature and information for its researchers. It also provides assistance with literature searches and aids in the individual publication process and Open Access. The collection focuses mainly on educational literature and teaching materials in the fields of science and mathematics and reflects the current research areas and projects of the institute. The team also manages the IPN’s research information system.

Information Technology

The Information Technology unit provides the IPN staff with infrastructures and services relating to IT matters. It provides the research and service areas at the IPN with the necessary infrastructure to perform their work in a professional manner. In addition to IT, this unit also includes the infrastructure areas of research data management and research ethics as well as the project management office (PMO). The latter three work areas primarily advise IPN researchers, either on questions of project management, research ethics, or the handling of research data. The IPN's data protection officer also belongs to this group. He ensures that work at the IPN complies with data protection regulations.Last but not least, the IPN's own in-house technical workshop is also part of the IT unit.

Communication and Public Relations

Press and Public Relations supports the work of the IPN by providing targeted media communication. Responsible for the Institute's public image, it acts as an intermediary between science and society. It covers the three fields of communication, communication design and event management, all of which are closely interlinked.