Standing up for democracy and human dignity: Statement issued by the IPN and the Leibniz Association

Plakat mit der Aufschrift: Samstag, 27.01.2024, 11 Uhr, Rathausplatz Kiel, Kundgebung für Demokratie und Toleranz

In recent days, people all over Germany have demonstrated unambiguously that democracy, human dignity, and the rule of law as set out in our nation’s constitution are involable core values of our society that will not be abandoned under any circumstances. In so doing, they have shown that our democracy is alive and well and ready to defend these values. The Leibniz Association and the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) stand with the demonstrators and unequivocally support their cause.

The central mission of the Leibniz Association is to conduct research on the most crucial social, economic, and environmental issues of our time with the purpose of finding answers to these pressing problems. In total, the ninety-six Leibniz Institutes employ over 20,000 people, originating from approximately 130 countries and drawing on diverse heritages. We value all our staff, wherever they come from, and believe passionately that our strength as a research community, and that of German society as a whole, stems from plurality and diversity.

We will not tolerate attacks on the very essence of our constitution and the basis of our life together in society. This statement represents our firm intention, in all we do day to day in our institutions, to resolutely oppose discrimination, xenophobia, and hostility toward minorities in our country.

To mark the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism, a rally for democracy and solidarity will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. in the city hall square in Kiel.