Inga Hahn

Dr. | Educational Research and Educational Psychology

ORCID: 0000-0003-4683-4708

Dr. Inga Hahn

LocationNeufeldtstr. 10, 24118 Kiel, Room 026



Recent publications at the IPN


Research topics

  • Development of scientific literacy (especially of young children and adults)
  • Item and test development (development of special testing procedures for pre-school and primary school children)
  • Computer Based Testing, Multistag Testing


since 2013Operational Management for the NEPS department I in Kiel
since 2009Research Scientist in the "NEPS - National Educational Panel Study"
2004 - 2008Research Scientist at "Lernort Labor"


2002 - 2004Trainee at "Moldzio & Partner - Institut für Personalauswahl"
1996 - 1999Vocational Training as an industrial clerk at "Stora Spezialpapiere GmbH"


2005 - 2009Doctorate, Kiel Universoty, degree: Dr. phil., Grade: magna cum laude (1.1)
1999 - 2004Studies in Psychology (Minor in Pedagogy), Kiel University, Grade: 2.0