Visiting our Library
How to finde us
The IPN’s Library is located on the ground floor of the Institute building, to the left of the main entrance. It is a low annex to the main building and has a distinctive blue roof.
It is a low annex to the main building and has a distinctive blue roof.
Using the Library
The IPN’s staff can use the Library for work and for networking with others at any time.
Students and external visitors are welcome to use the Library as a study and work space during opening hours.
Members of the IPN’s staff can borrow books, issues and volumes of journals, etc., at any time. Please register for loans by filling out a red registration card and handing it to member of Library staff.
We regret that we are unable to loan books to external visitors.
The Library has a book scanner for public use.
Lockers for storing bags, coats and other personal belongings are available on the left in the library entrance area.
Would you like to know more?
Please read the Regulations for the use of the IPN Library
or contact the Library team