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A project supported by the Joachim Herz Stiftung

Current information:

  • The meeting of MiU experts took place June 2nd and 3rd in Kiel.

  • MiU was launched February 1st 2016.


In learning mathematics and natural sciences media play a central role as tools e.g. for representation, communication and inquiry. Media are versatile and can be applied variously. They range from conventional teaching materials to innovative, digital types. Unlike the postulated relevance, educational studies mainly focus on characteristics of media use at the surface level. Little consideration has been given to the question, which characteristics a goal-oriented media use possesses at the level of deep structure. Additionally, corresponding studies mostly refer to individual subjects, topics or particular media and are often not differentiated enough. For subject-specific learning the characteristics of media use at the deep structure level are of particular interest, whereby the subject-specific potential of the medium itself (the deep structure characteristic of the medium) and the function of the mediums’ use in the learning process (the deep structure characteristic of the mediums’ use) can be differentiated (cf. illustration 1, Framework Model).

Against the background of this theoretical framework model, the MiU-project firstly pursues the primary objective to describe the characteristics of media use at the deep structure level in a subject-specific, but interdisciplinary comparative perspective. According to the results of the first step, a second step aims at the description of competences that mathematics and science teachers need in order to realize a goal-oriented media use in their classrooms. The findings of the project contribute to the discourse of a supportive media use in science and mathematics education, as well as to the required competences of math and science teachers.

Participating working groups and persons:

The project is supervised by an interdisciplinary management team.
Hendrik Härtig (physics education, University of Duisburg-Essen)
Lorenz Kampschulte (chemistry education / extracurricular places of learning)
Anke Lindmeier (mathematics education, IPN)
Mathias Ropohl (chemistry education, University of Duisburg-Essen)
Julia Schwanewedel (Humboldt-University Berlin)

Further persons involved:
Anje Ostermann (mathematics education, IPN)

      gefördert durch die Joachim Herz Stiftung

      Recent publications
