Designing and enacting coherent science teacher education

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The central objective of this project is to provide new science teachers with a coherent set of learning experiences and a consistent set of concrete planning and reflection tools that will allow them so provide coherent science instruction.

Project data

Research linesResearch Line Professional Competencies of Preschool and School Teachers
DepartmentsPhysics Education
FundingERASMUS Plus (9/1/20208/31/2023)
IPN researchersDr. Stefan Sorge (Project lead)
Members of the research alliance

IPN Leibniz-Institut für die Pädagogik der Naturwissenschaften und Mathematik (Lead), Halmstad University, University of Bergen, University of Helsinki, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Uşak University

In the PICoSTE project, an international team of teacher educators developed a model of science teacher education to support new science teachers in delivering coherent science education. The model highlighted that a consistent and coherent set of planning and reflection tools in science teacher education is critical for coherent science instruction but does not yet exist comprehensively.

Thus, the main purpose of the DECoSTE project is to develop and test planning and reflection tools and associated learning modules for pre-service science teachers. The tools and modules should support pre-service science teachers in both better understanding the principles of coherent science teaching and also implementing these principles in their classrooms.

Participants in this project include teacher education institutes from Germany (IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Duisburg-Essen), Norway (University of Bergen), Sweden (Halmstad University), Finland (University of Helsinki) and Turkey (University of Usak).

The results of the PICoSTE project have been published here: Nordine, J., Sorge, S., Delen, I., Evans, R., Juuti, K., Lavonen, J., Nilsson, P., Ropohl, M., & Stadler, M. (2021). Promoting Coherent Science Instruction through Coherent Science Teacher Education: A Model Framework for Program Design. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 32(8), 911-933. DOI:

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