
As part of the “Schule Macht Stark” (SchuMaS) project, schools in socially disadvantaged areas are supported in a research and practice-oriented manner by several collaborative institutions to improve the educational opportunities of socially disadvantaged students. Institutional conditions at these schools can lead to teachers working there having a particularly high risk of burnout and symptoms of exhaustion. A range of prevention and intervention programs now exist to strengthen well-being and individual resources. We have integrated the most effective, scientifically based and evaluated components of these programs into two training series specifically geared towards the challenges of the teaching profession (see illustration).

Subject areas of the SchuMaS training series
Figure 1: Subject areas of the SchuMaS training series

A series of training courses aims to improve individual health and the professional well-being of teachers at schools in socially difficult contexts. Another training series addresses successful cooperation between teachers and is geared towards entire school staff.

SchuMaS training series