The professional demands placed on teachers are high and can (at times) lead to decreases in professional well-being. Teachers' everyday working lives and their physical and mental health are shaped, among other things, by the way they experience positive and negative work-related emotions.
In four sessions strategies and techniques for regulating stress and emotions, for mindfulness and for recovery and distancing oneself from professional concerns are presented and tested together based on an individual diagnosis of one's own well-being and individual stressors and resources. The individual workshops have a standardized structure and consist of theoretical input phases, an elaboration phase and a transfer phase. The theoretical input is based on current scientific findings and provides participants with the necessary knowledge foundation. During the elaboration phase, the content is explored in greater depth by means of interactive exercises, reflection phases and peer-to-peer exchanges. The transfer phase between the workshops fosters practical skills by means of a web-based diary and targeted exercises that teachers are expected to carry out independently. The specific topics of the four two-hour workshops are as follows:
- Which stressors and resources do I experience? How do negative emotions and stress arise?
- How can I deal with negative emotions and stress? What strategies are there?
- A mindful approach to myself and my emotions: Does this work for me?
- How can I manage my time better, set boundaries and relax more?