
Symposium on "Daycare centers as a learning environment - expectations, challenges, opportunities" (canceled)

Daycare facilities are not merely a place where children spend part of their time. Daycare centers are of great importance for (early) child development and preparation for the later demands of school, especially for the development of children from educationally disadvantaged families. How are daycare centers perceived as a place of education today, what challenges do they face, what opportunities already exist, and what opportunities could and should be created? The 3rd National Symposium on Early Childhood Development, which the IPN is organizing in collaboration with the City of Bremen and the Jacobs Foundation as part of the Bremen Initiative for Strengthening Early Childhood Development (BRISE), will address these questions on October 27, 2023. These conferences serve as a practice-oriented exchange of knowledge and experience. BRISE thus not only contributes to providing knowledge about the effectiveness of early childhood development, but also actively works to ensure that this knowledge is transferred into educational practice at an early stage.

Registration: Unfortunately, the conference has been canceled.