Physics Olympiad competition director awarded prize by the World Federation of Physics Competitions

The 10th Congress of the World Federation of Physics Competitions (WFPhC) took place in Timișoara, Romania, from August 1 to 5, 2024. Presentations, discussions and talks led to a lively exchange about different competitions, organization formats, but also common principles and ideas for identifying and fostering young students with a passion for physics.

A special honor was bestowed on Dr. Stefan Petersen, the long-standing competition director of the Physics Olympiad in Germany from the IPN in Kiel. He was awarded the World Federation of Physics Competition 2024 prize for his contributions to physics competitions.

Stefan Petersen with the WFPhC Award 2024.
Stefan Petersen with the WFPhC Award 2024.
Award plaque for the WFPhC Award 2024.
Award plaque for the WFPhC Award 2024.

In addition to his work at national level, Stefan Petersen has been involved in international competitions for school students for many years and has taken on various roles there. For example, he was a member of the Advisory Board of the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) and Vice President of the European Olympiad of Experimental Science (then European Science Olympiad - EUSO). He was also part of the organizing team of the European Science Olympiad (EUSO) in Potsdam in 2007 and co-organizer of the European Physics Olympiad (EuPhO) in Hanover in 2023 with 37 participating countries. In 2019, he also became a member of the EuPhO Academic Committee. For many years, he has also been involved in the global association: He served as Secretary of the association from 2012 to 2022 and has since been one of the Vice Presidents of the WFPhC.

The WFPhC Award 2024 is a very special recognition of Dr. Stefan Petersen's work and an incentive to continue fostering young talent in the natural sciences.
