Digital Education: 30 Million Euros - The IPN Participates in a Nationwide Networking and Transfer Center

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is providing 30 million euros over the next three years to support the networking and transfer of so-called "centers of excellence for digital and digitally supported teaching in schools and further education. With twelve locations across Germany, the transnational network responsible for this project is coordinated from the University of Potsdam. At the IPN, Moritz Krell, Professor of Biology Education, leads the coordination of the IPN contribution.

The new networking and transfer center serves as the umbrella for a total of four competence centers currently being established: The first will deal with mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology; the second with languages, economics and social sciences; the third with music, art and sports; and the fourth with school development. The task of the centers is to develop innovative and effective methods for the digitization-related professionalization of teachers and the digital transition at schools. The networking and transfer center, which is unique in Germany, will support the competence centers in their work, encourage an exchange of information and pool their findings to facilitate transfer to educational practice. The center is expected to "generate a spirit of optimism that initiates a professionalization strategy for educational specialists and managers in the sense of digital leadership and drives digital school development," says Prof. Dr. Moritz Krell, project manager at the IPN.

The IPN will contribute its comprehensive expertise in education and professionalization research as well as science communication to the project. As a member of the Leibniz Association, the IPN is particularly committed to linking science and practice and, with this in mind, operates, among other things, the Department of Subject-Related Knowledge Transfer with the nationwide network of the German Center for Teacher Education in Mathematics (DZLM). In the future, the IPN will contribute this wealth of experience as well as the profound expertise from the IPN departments of biology, chemistry and physics education to the project.

Further information (in German) on the networking and transfer office and the competence centers can be found here.


Prof. Dr. Moritz


Biology Education