Cornerstone for a Diversity Strategy: IPN Signs Diversity Charter

Prof. Dr. Olf Köller, Dr. Marta Chiarinotti and Mareike Bierlich

The Charter of Diversity is an initiative of employers to promote diversity in companies and institutions. It was launched in December 2006 by four companies and is supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, Minister of State Reem Alabali-Radovan. The initiative aims to advance the recognition, appreciation and inclusion of diversity in the German workplace.

The IPN's management signed the Diversity Charter earlier this week, underscoring the institute's self-image of being a cosmopolitan and diverse place to work. In implementing the Diversity Charter, the institute has also set itself the goal of establishing and maintaining an appreciative and prejudice-free working environment in which diversity is recognized and included. As Executive Administrative Director Mareike Bierlich points out, the hiring of a diversity officer was already an important step in this direction.

"Diversity is very important at the IPN. Management felt it was therefore urgent to create a position in this area, thus underscoring the importance of the topic and strategically advancing the issue with newly created resources."

Mareike Bierlich, Managing Director of Administration

In signing the Diversity Charter and the associated voluntary commitment, the IPN takes a further step in its efforts to develop a forward-looking diversity strategy. This includes thinking about diversity in all internal processes as well as facilitating access to information and raising awareness about the topic.

"One of the great strengths of our research at the IPN is interdisciplinarity: it's here that you realize how beneficial it is to bring different perspectives together. In a similar way, the diversity of our staff is a potential strength for research and for the work culture.”

Prof. Dr. Olaf Köller, Managing Director of Research

To make diversity a lived reality, all diversity dimensions from gender or gender identity, to ethnic origin, to the question of physical and mental abilities will be discussed at the IPN in the future along the central question "What do we mean by this and how do we want to address it?" in line with the Diversity Charter and under the leadership of the new Diversity Officer, Dr. Marta Chiarinotti.

More information on the Diversity Charter can be found here.