Heide Peters

Dr. habil. | Management

Dr. habil. Heide Peters

LocationNeufeldtstr. 10, 24118 Kiel, Room 12



Recent publications at the IPN


Research topics

  • Promotion strategies and integration of science competitions in school practice
  • Development and analysis of tasks, experiments and didactic accompanying materials
  • Chemical paleoceanography and marine salt deposits


2006 -presentResearch Associate, IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Germany
2022-presentOfficer for the Further Development of the Science Competitions
2017-2021Management and direction of the 17th International Junior Science Olympiad (Chair of IJSO 2020)
2012-2019Member of the international steering committee of the IJSO (Public Relations Officer, Vice President Europe)
2012-presentSecond spokesperson of the working group of nationwide student competitions
2008-2021Management and organization of the national IJSO selection competition, accompaniment of the German IJSO national team to the Olympic competition
2006-2008Early science education with emphasis on empirical research


2003 - 2006Heisenberg Fellow (DFG) at the Goettingen University, Germany
2001 - 2003Research Associate at the Geosciences Center of the Goettingen University, Germany
since 2000Private Lecturer in Geochemistry, Goettingen University, Germany
1998 - 2001Research Associate, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA: NASA Postdoctoral Fellowship, Head Teaching Fellow in Environmental Geology
1995-1998Lecturer at the Institute for the Geology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere, Goettingen University, Germany
1993-1997Habilitation Fellow (DFG) at the Institute for the Geology and Dynamics of the Lithosphere, Goettingen University, Germany
1988 - 1989Visiting Research Fellow and Fulbright Scholar, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
1985 - 1988Research Assistant at the Institute for Geochemistry, Goettingen University, Germany


2005-2006Master's program in School Management, Kaiserslautern University of Technology, Germany
2000Habilitation in Geochemistry at Goettingen University, Germany
1988Doctorate (Ph. D.) in Geochemistry at Goettingen University, Germany
1985Mineralogy/Geochemistry (M. Sc.) at Goettingen University, Germany
1980-1985Studies in Mineralogy und Geochemistry at the Universities of Freiburg and Goettingen, Germany