Influences of the social environment on educational processes of students from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds

Children and young people in Germany have different educational opportunities depending on their socio-economic status and ethnic origin. SUBSES is a scientific network that aims to make a contribution to educational equality and equal opportunities.

Project data

Research linesResearch Line Professional Competencies of Preschool and School Teachers, Research Line Domain-Specific Learning in Preschools and Schools
DepartmentsKnowledge Transfer
FundingDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
IPN researchersDr. Christin Laschke (Project lead)

Starting Point

Children and young people in Germany are characterized by increasing diversity, including their socio-economic status, ethnic origin, and the associated cultural-linguistic diversity. An immigration background in Germany is often accompanied by a low socio-economic status. Both individual diversity characteristics are strongly linked to educational processes. Educational processes (e.g. educational aspirations of pupils: which are parents and educational participation) and educational successes (e.g. acquisition of skills and competencies) can vary a lot for people with different socio-economic statuses and people from different ethnic groups, which limits education-related equal opportunities. Numerous research work describes the connection between educational processes, individual characteristics of the students, and their imprint by the social environment, in particular through significant inner- and extracurricular others, such as teachers, peers, and siblings. The network of 14 young scientists, who have partly participated in the DFG Junior Academy of Young Researchers, concludes this starting point.

Objectives and Procedures of the Scientific Network

To comprehensively investigate the complex interaction between the learners and their social environment from different perspectives and thus contribute to elucidating existing educational disparities, the network members integrate theoretical models and methods of various disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, linguistics, and educational sciences. One goal of the interdisciplinary approach is to develop a common theoretical understanding of our research content, to define central concepts, and to create an integrative model that represents our research questions in the overall context. In addition, joint project proposals are developed in the network based on this model, and the necessary preparatory work and publications are pursued for this purpose. Over a period of three years, exchange between the network members is being strengthened in six working meetings, project groups are being formed, and new perspectives on questions are being generated by integrating theoretical models. During the course, project applications are prepared, preliminary studies are planned and carried out, and the first manuscripts are written. Guests are invited to individual working meetings who support the network concerning their methodological knowledge and experience in submitting applications and policy advice. An important long-term objective of the network is to contribute to promoting equal education and opportunities for all students.

Network Participants


The kick-off meeting of the network took place on March 21 and 22 at the IPN in Berlin. Initial ideas and questions for project proposals, preliminary studies and publications were developed.

The second meeting took place at the IPN in Berlin in September. Designs of joint studies were presented and discussed and joint publications were planned.

The third meeting is planned for March 2025 at the DIPF in Frankfurt am Main.

People from left to right: Christin Laschke, Melanie Olczyk, Katharina Wehking, Georg Lorenz, Justine Stang-Rabrig, Meike Bonefeld, Laura Froehlich, Hannah Kleen, Lars Leszczensky, Marion Fischer-Neumann, Helene Zeeb, Anita Tobisch.