The aim of this training unit is to foster the recognition and naming of emotions and to recognize their influence on behavior.
The theoretical background to the concept of emotions is presented in the corresponding sessions, including how they arise and their function. Presentation and discussion of empirical findings regarding the emotional experience in the school context, for both teachers and students, highlights the importance of emotions for the successful organization of everyday school life.
Students expand their theoretical knowledge by working on authentic practical examples, e.g. by analyzing video-based and written teaching sequences characterized by the emotional experience of the teacher and students. Analysis covers both problematic cases and positive examples. This gives participants the opportunity to gain a differentiated picture of the positive and negative effects of emotions on their own behavior, on the behavior of students and on social interaction in the classroom context.
Participants work on an emotion diary parallel to the sessions to foster subjective and conscious awareness of their own emotions and typical cognitive evaluation processes. In it, they are asked to describe their daily emotions and identify triggering conditions.